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Picnic en Blanc
20 July 2019
Picnic en Blanc

A Little Picnic
That Could

We came, we dined, we were fabulous. More than just an excuse to dress up, ROAR's Picnic en Blanc brought people of all ages, orientations, ethnicities and shoe sizes together — sharing food, drink and laughs, creating memories, and building community in Nanaimo. Our white garb contained the entire rainbow. Dressing in white was a symbol of the solidarity of the rainbow community. It was indeed a unique experience.


More than 150 people enjoyed the perfect summer evening weather at the Millstone Winery. The setting was amazing. People are already making plans for wilder costumes and table decorations next year. ROAR volunteers worked hard to keep hungry picnickers happy. This was our major fundraiser for 2019. All money collected has gone to refugee support.


We are expecting Refugee #3 (a woman from Africa) to arrive within days. A large and active Sponsorship Group is ready to welcome her with open arms. A massive welcome card was signed by dozens of picnickers. It will be presented to our newcomer at the airport.


Our grateful thanks to all who have made this possible.



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